
The Books

We are proud to publish a variety of titles:

Testimony and Fading Memory in the Holocaust

Hitler's Belzec

Babi Yar - A Jewish Catastrophe

der Einzatsgruppe and the Destruction of European Jewry

We Are And We Aren't It Is And It Isn't!

The Element in Football Violence

Elvis Aaron Presley: The Legend of the King

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Established in 1954, Publishing Your Books...

The Publisher's Credentials

Contact us if you wish to be a part of something special...

This is a unique Publishing venture for the aspiring Writer. We hope to take new, untried, untested, original and hopefully, proven authors from their very own words toward Publishing their completed works. We want writers who want to write, and as George Bernard Shaw has stated:-

~If you do not write for Publication, there is little point in writing at all.~

We will then deliver those Published works to the Literary World. Oscar Wilde terms it best when he decided that there were no Good or bad Books, just bad and Good Writers.

To then steal a phrase from Martin Luther King; "We have a dream"; and that dream is to ensure that the contents of a Book will not be coloured by the needs of commercialism alone, but by the expectation of Literary appreciation. Books afford an invaluable insight into the mind of humanity. Without the written world there will be no advancement, there can be no learning and there will be no more Literary greatness.


We have a small team of writers who wish to traverse the same route as all those other writers, who have, from a lack of foresight, been denied the normal route to Publishing. The printed word should not be stifled by the need of commercialism and this co-operative will afford all those, whose Literary talents can be proven, an opportunity to write, be read and be Published.

i) Patrick Dempsey

has written, a Classic account of a Holocaust Survivor’s struggles (5) to live in a modern, sometimes racist and intolerant Society. Various Novels have sparked interest, though the Literary run around has prevented their Publication. He has written numerous Books of Poetry, had Poems and many articles Published. His “Holocaust Testimony and Fading Memory” (36) was  our first venture into the direct approach to this Publishing project. His second Book extracted from the first Book on the Holocaust “der Einsatzgruppe and the Destruction of European Jewry” (34) and received equal acclaim. There is also a Book pending (18) on the sample of racism that still exists in the conspiracy to deny the Holocaust ever happened. A Play, which is based around the Holocaust, and is to be presented to schools (23) has also been written.  Hitler's Belzec (38) has sought to skip the progression of his work on The Holocaust to lay the blame for the overall Catastrophe at the feet of one man, Adolf Hitler. All too often there has been an overriding attempt to distance Hitler from the tenets of The Holocaust, Patrick moves the major Perpetrator centre stage.  The Children of the Holocaust focusses on the suffering of the infant, too many of whom were targeted in this atrocity.

ii) Leneh Colette

has carefully constructed her appreciation of Elvis Presley (10) and marks his place in the realm of modern musical culture. She looks at his music with an ardent appreciation, and a fan’s zeal. Leneh is in the middle of her Novel ( )about the anguish of a child whose previous life comes back to haunt her.

iii) Russell Leond

is another of the founding members of this co-operative venture. His Book (21) on the vagaries of Football Violence and the trauma this unleashes will mark a further direction for the venture we have set in motion. He has also managed to write a series of Plays (15) on contemporary themes.

iv) Dora Ann Maisie

has helped to form this partnership with a clear insight into her Children’s stories (12). With the help of an aspiring artist she hopes to have her work illustrated and opened up to an audience that will be filled with wonderment.

v) Rebecca Holly

shares the craft of the Poet which is being lost to a growing and busy audience in this modern generation. The problems of our young, living on the Streets is explored in a Poetic way (11), with a concerned and visioning manner.

vi) Rachel E. Leanor

Her collection of Poetry (28) is as searching as it is possible to be about where we come from and what inspires us.

vii) Thomas E. Christian

Has written a tense and feeling narrative (13) of a family’s struggle to come to terms with the murder of their Daughter. The resulting turmoil leaves a community in shock and a requirement for vengeance which is finally met. A finely scripted account of a passion for John Wayne Westerns (27) is a Book which will fill the shelves and homes for Movie fans and John Wayne enthusiasts everywhere.

viii) Phil Haynes

Has written a searching account of where we stand today. His considered and deeper look at the everyday things of life is the aim his book (99). Simply to open minds and attempt to bring some balance back to creation! This is a piece which asks questions many will not ask. It is written to inform the inquisitive of the possibilities that prevail for all of us.


Acceptance of your manuscript is no guarantee of future Publication and no further discussion will be entered into on the merits or otherwise of your work. We will accept a work for Publication based upon its particular Literary merit. Your manuscript should have your name and address clearly marked upon it, in case it becomes detached from your covering letter. Please ensure that it is securely sent, and preferably by recorded delivery. You should retain a copy of your manuscript. Your manuscript should be clearly typed, or sent on Floppy Discs in WordPro format. We will consider your work based upon its merits and will only proceed with Publication once you are made aware of all the conditions for our acceptance of your manuscript. It is incumbent upon you to ensure that all material is legal and not of any libellous nature. We reserve the right to identify the author as the sole arbiter of the material that is contained within the manuscript, and as such, any salacious, derogatory, inflammatory or offensive material will not be considered by us for Publication. That right is a subjective and proprietary right which we will uphold and we will not accept responsibility for any misinformation. We will be indemnified in respect of all claims, costs or expenses which arise through the inclusion of any such material which might prove libellous, might infringe copyright propriety, might impinge upon the personal rights of any person named within the manuscript or might be considered in contravention of a patent or design right. All legal expenses shall be met by the Author of any such challenged material.


We are fully committed to ensuring that your work reaches the widest audience possible. We have your best interests at heart and we will promote you as exclusively as it is physically possible for us to do so.


These will be paid to you direct, after all costs and disbursements are met, and after sales figures, on a yearly anniversary date, allow us to assess the amounts due. We envisage an amount, not exceeding 10%, of all Royalties will be sent to you on a simple exchange contract, with future sales required to cover all expenses. Once the recovery of any capital outlay is met, Royalties will be paid above and beyond this figure, on an upward sliding scale. As a representative appreciation of your commitment and endeavour, we are happy to ensure that you, the Author, gain from your artistic endeavour.


Each work we Publish will be assigned to all our Publication material. It is our intention to establish a catalogue, a Web-Site and a review of all our Published works to ensure that the full marketability of your Book is included and appreciated. Each published Author will be promoted alongside a brief resume of the Authors background and career. National media play an important role in the wider acceptance of Published material and as such we will ensure that all avenues are explored. All Libraries, all leading Book Sellers and Book wholesalers and Internet Book Retailers will be notified of the release of your work.


Our Editorial Department will ensure that your work is presentable to the printers in a format of your choosing, or in one where costs can be limited to afford a more effective presentation. We will accept all preferences in the presentation of what is, your manuscript. Revisions of your work will be undertaken in consultation, and you can be assured we will not detract from the spirit or the intention of the work you have sent us. We will forward to you, a paged proof of the work, if required, in order that any changes can be made, prior to Publication and Printing. We will provide art work or illustrations should you require this facility. At all stages of the enterprise, you are welcome to comment or question the movement, sales or otherwise of your work.


We hope to establish a close bond and working liaison with all those Authors who select us to promote their works. That said, when we have had the opportunity to consider your manuscript, and we consider this suitable for publication, a contractual proposal will be sent to you which we hope will prove satisfactory to you. With your acceptance to proceed further, at this stage, we will assign a publication Agreement for you to consider. We can look forward to a Literary enterprise which is both mutually nurturing and rewarding.


i) Your Rights are not infringed in any way by the acceptance of this Publishing House’s undertaking to promote and address the concerns of the writer who wishes to have their works Published. We rely solely upon the needs of the writer to have their work Published and as such we will undertake to ensure that Publication meets all the requirements that we set ourselves.


The copyright ownership of all material will remain with the Author. First serial rights will be invested in P. A. Draigh (Publishing) which will allow us to fully promote your work. No other agreement will be entered into which excludes you, the Author, from the promotion of your own work, or from the gains made from that promotional undertaking. Books will be deposited, for the purposes of ensuring Copyright, with the appropriate authority.


For those authors who, for commercial reasons, we are unable to represent, we will, at your request, offer a form of Self-Publishing that will guarantee you access to the Book World. We will ensure that all costs are limited to immediate overheads, only. Once we have established a working, familiar and mutually beneficial relationship, the figures for royalties will reflect the depreciation of the charges incurred for those initial set up costs. The more successful the Author becomes, the less burdensome the outlay for production, printing and publication becomes and this will be reflected in the gradual accumulation of royalties in the Author’s favour. As a co-operative venture we would envisage, where we are unable to forward a manuscript for Publication, due to financial constraints, some assistance from the Author would be required, which would allow the process of production to commence whilst Publication is held back. This is in no way a vanity form of Publishing, as all investments will be reflected in the royalty amounts that the Author will command. Too often the work of an Author is delayed, due to market restraints, and we hope to minimise that process. Where the Author is materially positioned to allow us to do so, we would ask the Author's assistance. All details of the costs involved will be discussed fully with the Author and no expectation of payment is required as a pre-requisite for the assessment of their work. Usual disbursements, return postage etc. will be required if there is to be any dialogue entered into.


The Child in the Holocaust Patrick Dempsey ISBN 9781904115076 £22 Sterling inc p&p

36) Testimony and Fading Memory in the Holocaust Patrick Dempsey ISBN 1904115004 £29 Sterling inc p&p ISBN 9781904115007

10) Elvis Aaron Presley: The Legend of the King Leneh Colette ISBN 1904115020 £18 Sterling inc p&p ISBN 9781904115021

34) der Einsatzgruppe and the Destruction of European Jewry Patrick Dempsey ISBN 1904115012 £23 Sterling inc p&p ISBN 9781904115014

21) The Element in Football Violence Russell Leond ISBN 1904115047 £17 Sterling inc p&p ISBN 9781904115045

40) Babi Yar - A Jewish Catastrophe Patrick Dempsey ISBN 1904115039 £21 Sterling inc p&p ISBN 9781904115038

38) Hitler's Belzec Patrick Dempsey ISBN 1-904115-05-5 978-1-904115-05-2 £27 inc p&p.

99) We Are And We Aren't It Is And It Isn't! Phil Haynes ISBN 190411508X £17 Sterling inc p&p ISBN 9781904115083