“..Murder of 6,000,000 Jews must never be reduced to a statistic.” Simon Wiesenthal.
This is but a reminder that one of the most meaningful sentiments ever to emerge from the ranks of those Jewish Survivors who Survived is this.
Sunday January 15th. 1939 “..Church ..always regarded living side by side with Jews ..as long as they remain Jews ..dangerous to ..faith ..tranquillity of Christian people. ..for this reason ..intended to brake ..limit ..action ..influence of ..Jews ..isolating Jews.” Bishop Giovanni Cazzani.
“..schools would fail through their silence ..Church through its forgiveness ..home through ..denial and silence of ..parents. ..new generation has to hear what ..older generation refuses to tell it.” Simon Wiesenthal.
January 15th. 1940 Gorlice Ghetto Judenrate created The Jews of Gorlice were now under constant pressure and soon, the killings would escalate to annihilation.
“..What connects two thousand years of genocide? Too much power in too few hands.” Simon Wiesenthal.
Thursday 15th. January 1942 “..a Jew. ..tied ..to ..sleigh ..forced to run. ..couldn’t run anymore ..they dragged him along ..then shot him.” David Rubinowicz.
January 15th. 1942 Allied pledge to punish War Criminals.
“..Justice for crimes against humanity must have no limitations.” Simon Wiesenthal.
January 15th. 1945 54,000 inmates remain in Ravensbrueck.
“..God must have been on leave during the Holocaust.” Simon Wiesenthal.
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