January 20th

January 20th. 1939 Hitler sacks Hjalmar Schacht from Reichsbank Presidency.

January 20th. 1941 Cardinal Theodor Innitzer, Archbishop of Vienna, informed Pope Pius XII of the looming threat to 60,000 Vienna Jews facing deportation.

“..In ..labor columns, separated by gender, able-bodied Jews will be brought to those regions to build roads, whereby a large number will doubtlessly be lost through natural reduction. Any final remnant that survives will doubtless consist of the elements most capable of resistance. They must be dealt with appropriately, since, representing the fruit of natural selection, they are to be regarded as the core of a new Jewish revival.” Reinhard Heydrich

January 20th. 1942 The Wannsee Conference is convened and this concentrates the coordinated effort of the Reich in the mass murder of the Jews already undertaken. Hitler now ensures all arms of the Reich, all Government Agency s and the wider German public are signed up to The Final Solution. This saw Hitler’s despicable plan, which Heydrich will outline as a resolve to Annihilate 11,293,300 Jews, as the culmination of The Final Solution of The Jewish Question, die Endlosung der Judenfrage! The Wannsee Conference it has to be remembered is convened and Hitler now ensures that all arms of the Reich, all Government Agency’s and the wider German public are signed up to that final resolve. His spokesman for the occasion, SS Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich will outline those Plans which will seek to Annihilate a further 11,293,300 Jews of Europe! Remember in this. The commencement of The Final Solution had been well underway. der Einsatzgruppe had been murdering Jews in their 100’s of 1,000’s both shooting and gassing them in Gas Vans. Also, The Chelmno Death Camp was in operation gassing Jews from the Lodz Ghetto and the surrounding areas.

“..In respect of ..Jewish question ..make a clean sweep. ..world war is here ..annihilation of ..Jews must be ..necessary result. This question is to be regarded without sentimentalism. We are not here to have sympathy with ..Jews ..but ..with our German people. If ..German people have sacrificed 160,000 dead in ..eastern campaign ..authors of this bloody conflict will have to pay for it with their lives.” Adolf Hitler.

Not only that, Hitler fully ensured the deaths of as many Germans as was necessary to complete the instrument of his main aim, the Destruction of all of World Jewry. German life became as expendable in achieving his ultimate aim, the murder of the Jews of Europe, as has the Jews own life. Of course, what we cannot know is how Hitler was so engrossed with such a hatred for the Jewish People that their destruction emerged in the midst of a World War of Hitler’s creation. But it is certain that with a blend of religious bigotry and antisemitic hatred, this all gave Hitler his perfect victim, the Jewish People.

“..Today I will once more be a prophet. If ..international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging nations once more into a world war then ..result will not be ..bolshevization of ..earth and ..victory of Jewry ..but ..annihilation of ..Jewish race in Europe.” Adolf Hitler.

Wednesday January 20th. 1943 “..2,000 Jewish Men ..Women and Their Children arrived from Grodno. Of these ..256 Jews were detailed for Work. ..155 Jewish Men and 101 Jewish Women. Some 1,744 of these Jews were immediately Slaughtered.” Danuta Czech.

January 20th. 1943 Jews from Theresienstadt expelled to Auschwitz.

January 20th. 1944 over 1,000 Parisian Jews from Drancy to Auschwitz.

January 20th. 1945 4,200 Jews shot in Birkenau. SS Dynamite remaining Krematoria in Birkenau. Hungarian Provisional Government signs Armistice.

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