“..Jews were compelled to establish relations with an alien ..hostile government that regarded them as subhuman ..fit only for exploitation and extermination. ..human values in which they believed and on which they had built their lives tottered and collapsed. In this cruel reality ..Vilna Jewry struggled to survive and seek rescue. ..daily struggle was for life itself ..survive in ..face of hunger ..disease. Jewish Vilna embodied ..majority of hardships ..torment ..European Jewry ..underwent during The Holocaust ..its responses sum up most of ..options ..available to ..Jews during this tragic epoch. Vilna Jewry was a microcosm of ..fate of all Jewish communities in Eastern Europe. Dr. Yitzhak Arad.
Friday January 21st 1938 “..Jews must leave Romania ..it is for ..world to find a residence for ..world’s Jews Madagascar seems a suitable spot.” Alexander Cuza.
January 21st. 1938 Jews have their citizenship revoked by the Goga-Cuza grouping in Romania.
Monday January 22nd. 1940 “..called to ..SS in connection with my attempts to free ..doctors. ..learned 100 were shot. ..more would be shot.” Adam Czerniakow.
January 21st. 1941 In Romania a legionary revolt begins. In Bucharest 130 Jews are Murdered. 25 Synagogues desecrated or set on fire. 616 shops are Destroyed. 547 Jewish Homes are looted. The Romanian Army quells the unrest.
“..I built a physical site for visitors ..which tells and presents ..history of The Holocaust. I expanded ..education and research of ..subject and laid ..foundations for making ..place a world center for commemorating ..memory of The Holocaust and its heritage. ..Despite years of lack of diplomatic relations with ..countries of ..Communist bloc in Eastern Europe ..I have been able to establish working relations with archives in these countries and obtain 100’s of 1,000’s of documents relating to The Holocaust there. Dr. Yitzhak Arad.
January 21st. 1942 United Partisan Organization established in Vilna.
“..One must act radically. ..Jews must clear out. ..if they refuse to go voluntarily ..no other solution but extermination.” Adolf Hitler.
Thursday January 21st. 1943 “..2,000 Jewish Men ..Women and Their Children arrived from Grodno. Of these ..287 Jews were detailed for Work. ..175 Jewish Men and 112 Jewish Women. Some 1,713 of these Jews were immediately Slaughtered.” Danuta Czech.
January 21st. 1943 The January Aktion Resistance of the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto ends.
“..I knew ..Jewish World in Eastern Europe that was alive and well and destroyed in The Holocaust. I saw with my own eyes 1,000’s of Jews being led to ..firing pits. I survived ..and fate allowed me to join ..partisans ..fighters against ..murderers of our people ..and in their ranks to blow up German trains.” Dr. Yitzhak Arad.
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