“..pure myth ..Jews ..merely passive. ..Jews fought back ..to a degree no other community anywhere ..would have been capable of. ..they fought against hunger ..starvation ..disease ..a deadly Nazi economic blockade. They fought against murderers and ..traitors within their own ranks ..and ..were utterly alone in their fight. ..forsaken by God and ..man ..surrounded by hatred or indifference. ..there was much heroism ..little beauty ..much toil ..suffering ..no glamour. We fought back on every front ..biological ..economic ..propaganda ..cultural ..with every weapon ..possessed. In ..end ..ruse ..deception ..cunning beyond anything ..world had ever ..seen ..accomplished what hunger ..disease ..terror ..treachery ..could not. What defeated us ..Jewry’s unconquerable optimism ..eternal faith in ..goodness of man ..even a German ..a Nazi ..could never have ..renounced ..own humanity as to murder women ..’children’ coldly ..systematically. ..when we finally took up arms ..we inscribed in ..book of history epic of ..Ghetto Uprising. Michal Berg.
January 22nd. 1940 Vatican attacks German conduct in Poland.
January 22nd. 1941 Bulgaria dislodges Jews from professional positions, Public Sector workers, Doctor’s and Lawyer’s. A punitive tax is also imposed on Jewish Homes and Businesses.
Friday January 22nd. 1943 “..3,650 Jewish Men ..Women and Their Children arrived from Grodno. Of these ..594 Jews were detailed for Work. ..365 Jewish Men and 229 Jewish Women. Some 3,056 of these Jews were immediately Slaughtered.” Danuta Czech.
January 22nd. 1943 The planned date for the first Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
January 22nd. 1944 Allied forces land in Anzio.
January 22nd. 1945 Russian forces are at the Oder River in Silesia.
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