Category: Uncategorized

  • January 13th.

    Wednesday, January 13th. 1943 Dearest Kitty, This morning I was constantly interrupted, and as a result I haven’t been able to finish a single thing I’ve begun. We have a new pastime, namely, filling packages with powdered gravy. The gravy is one of Gies & Co.’s products. Mr. Kugler hasn’t been able to find anyone…

  • January 12th.

    Primo Levi “..I thought about ..essential ambiguity of ..messages each of us leaves behind ..from birth to death ..and of our deep inability to reconstitute a person from them who lives departing from who writes ..anyone who writes ..even if only on walls ..writes in a code that is his alone ..and that…

  • January 11th.

    “..One day ..we saw 3 gallows ..3 black ravens ..erected on ..Applepaltz. Roll call. ..SS surrounding us ..machine guns aimed at us ..usual ritual. 3 prisoners in chains ..among them ..little pipel ..sad eyed angel. ..SS seem more preoccupied ..more worried than usual. To hang a child in front of 1,000’s of onlookers was not…

  • January 10th

    Lucy Schildret Dawidowicz. “..Some people think that ..professional historian’s personal commitments to their People ..Country ..Religion ..Language ..undermine his professional objectivity. Not so. long as historians respect ..integrity of their sources and adhere strictly to ..principles of sound scholarship. Personal commitments do not distort ..but instead they enrich ..historical writing.” Lucy Schildret Dawidowicz. January…

  • January 9th

    Rachel Auerbach. “..I know ..what I give here for publication is far from easy reading material in general ..and even more so for people with weak nerves. But if this could happen to ..Jews ..if ..Jews who saw it were able to tell about such a thing ..and I was able to reflect it on…

  • January 8th.

    “..I would like to talk about names – not on behalf of the survivors, as they can speak for themselves – but on behalf of the dead, even though I was not authorized by them to do so. Firstly, about the name of the day on the eve of which we are gathered here: Holocaust…

  • January 7th

    “..I am not asking for praise ..I only want my name to be remembered. I want my Daughter’s name to be remembered ..that talented little girl Margalit. She’s 20 months old and shows a talent for drawing. She is a Jewish little girl ..speaks a nice Yiddish is well developed both physically and mentally.”…

  • January 6th.

    On January 6th. 1929 Heinrich Himmler is appointed ‘Reichsfuhrer SS.’ On January 6th. 1940 the Jews in Warsaw are denied heating fuels. “..On January 6th. 1942 horrible slaughter and pogroms ..committed by ..German invaders in ..Kiev. In only a few days ..German bandits killed and tortured 52,000 men ..women ..old men ..children ..mercilessly dealing with…